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"Мы с мамой переехали в новую Зеландию, в город Окленд, прошли собеседование в департаменте Иммиграции как просители убежища, вышли, добрались до центра, жили, и стояли, какое-то время, обнявшись посреди тротуара и плакали. Люди проходили мимо и улыбались, приветливо кивая. Этот день и вечер мы запомним на всю жизнь. Слава Богу за всех людей, которые нам помогли всё это осуществить !
Хочу заметить, что самостоятельно, без поддержки Евгения и сотрудников агентства "IES", мы бы никогда не решились так резко изменить свою жизнь. Желание было, но тот объём работы, который предстояло преодолеть, нам казался несбыточной мечтой. Мы с мамой очень благодарны вам за помощь в осуществлении нашей мечты. Желаем всему вашему коллективу успехов и процветания .Огромное спасибо, мы очень вам благодарны !!!
11.08.2024. Семья Богомоловых. Наталья и Юля. Окленд, Новая Зеландия.
Моя почта mirnbp69@gmail.com - пишите, чем смогу - помогу!"
Для заявления на участие в программе скачайте и заполните Application Form: https://eicentre.ru/upload/File/appli... и пришлите вложенными файлами на имэйл office@eicentre.ru С вами свяжутся и пришлют все необходимое.
Адрес: 107078 Москва, ул. Маши Порываевой, д. 34 - вход с этой улицы в бизнес центр "Домников", 5 этаж, офис 502.
● Тел.: +7 499 841-01-75 (многоканальный),
● WhatsApp: +79779269315
● График: ПН - ПТ с 10-00 до 18-00, прием по предварительной записи.
● Сайт компании IES - https://eicentre.ru
● Форум - https://rabotatam.ru
● Вконтакте - https://m.vk.com/iescentre
● Mail.ru https://my.mail.ru/community/emigration
● Telegram - https://t.me/eicentre
● Imm Centre - https://immigrationcentre.ru
● https://ok.ru/group/61139723813016 https://work-n-travel.ru
- Accredited Employer Work Visa
- Apply for this temporary visa if you have a job offer from an accredited employer
- Recognised Seasonal Employer Limited Visa
- On the Recognised Seasonal Employer Limited Visa you can come to New Zealand
- Crew joining a Ship or Plane Visitor Visa
- Entertainers Work Visa
- Performing artists, entertainers and entertainment industry workers
- Fishing Crew Work Visa
- If you’ve been offered a job working as a crew member on a fishing vessel
- Business Visitor Visa
- You can come to New Zealand for business reasons for up to 3 months in any one year.
- Post Study Work Visa
- People who have completed an acceptable qualification in New Zealand
- Second or Subsequent Resident Visa
- If you want to return to New Zealand to live
- Global Impact Permanent Residence Visa
- If you have had a Global Impact Work Visa for 30 months or more
- Student and Trainee Work Visa
- Students who need to do practical work experience to meet a study requirement
- Religious Worker Resident Visa
- Religious workers, who have been doing religious work in New Zealand
- Religious Worker Work Visa
- Religious workers who want to help New Zealanders practise, maintain and advance their religious beliefs, may apply to come to New Zealand with a view to staying here permanently, if they have the right experience and/or training.
- Global Impact Work Visa
- This visa is for innovative entrepreneurs or investors who are selected by the Edmund Hillary Fellowship to create and support innovative ventures in New Zealand.
- Supplementary Seasonal Employment Work Visa
- People who are already in New Zealand on a student or visitor visa can apply for a work visa to do seasonal work in the horticulture or viticulture industries.
- Specific Purpose Work Visa
- This visa allows you to come to New Zealand for a specific purpose or event. Migrants already in New Zealand who have a Recovery Visa can apply for this visa to stay for an additional 3 months.
- Academic Visitor Visa
- You can visit New Zealand as an academic and participate in teaching, educational, professional management or research activities.
- Arts and Music Festival Visitor Visa
- Performers and their immediate support crews can visit New Zealand to take part in approved arts and music festivals.
- Entrepreneur Work Visa
- This visa is for experienced business people who want to work in their own business in New Zealand. I
- Permanent Resident Visa
- You can apply for this visa if you have had a resident visa for more than 2 years. This visa allows you to live in New Zealand permanently, as well as travel in and out of New Zealand.
- Care Workforce Work to Residence Visa
- Apply for this visa if you currently work for, or have a job offer from, an accredited employer, and you have worked in a care workforce role for 24 months.
- Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visa
- Apply for this visa if you currently work or you have a job offer from an accredited employer, and qualify for 6 points for your skills and work in New Zealand. You submit an expression of interest (EOI). If it is accepted, we invite you to apply.
- Straight to Residence Visa
- Apply for this visa if you currently work, or you have a job offer, from an accredited employer, and your role is on Tier 1 of the Green List in-demand.
- Transport Work to Residence Visa
- Apply for this visa if you currently work for, or have a job offer from, an accredited employer, and have worked in New Zealand for 24 months in a transport role.
- Work to Residence Visa
- Apply for this visa if you currently work for, or have a job offer
- Talent (Accredited Employer) Resident Visa
- If you have worked in New Zealand for an accredited employer for more than 2 years, you may be eligible for this residence visa.
- Entrepreneur Resident Visa
- This visa is for people who have been self-employed in their own business in New Zealand for at least 6 months
- Active Investor Plus Visa
- Apply for this visa to live, work and invest in New Zealand.
- Talent (Arts, Culture, Sports) Resident Visa
- If you hold a Talent (Arts, Culture, Sports) Work Visa
- Employees of Relocating Business Resident Visa
- This visa can help employees who are integral to the success of the business they work
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